

Today I got onto Blogger for the first time in a loooooong time.
I mean a looooooooooooong time...
And I thought that when I looked at my stats they would be like 10 people had visited in the last month
and to my surprise it was way more then that!
And then it got even better!
I had comments!
Not a ton but still, real, true comments,
{I have gotten a LOT of spam comments lately, don't worry I delete them}
and my Twine Pear Tutorial was linked up!
Oh. What. A. Feeling!
People, I was about to give up on blogging...
Like for realsies.
I had been thinking about this 
probably since blogger some how got changed over to Arabic on my iphone and I was never able to change it back...
I'm not techie,
it takes me months to do a little bit of html coding on the blog
I cannot fix the Arabic
I have so many other things to worry about.
Dinner. Cleaning. Laundry. Selling a house. You know the usual mom stuff.
So I took a break
Postpartum OCD,
Family living with us for a month {loved it!},
Having a baby who is insanely active for her age...Angie I think William may have a partner in crime- 
I. Am. Tired.
And I can not find time for the things I love,
and I feel like my life is so boring,
and I have nothing to offer that you would be interested in.
Why was I blogging anyway?
It's not like I have thousands of followers,
or the most unique situation or point of view,
and then I realized I was looking at all of the reasons I shouldn't blog
and none of the reasons why I should.

Reason One:
I love it.  I have for 2+ years.  Ryan has fantasy football and I have blogging.  It's a part of my identity.

Reason Two:
I love being a mom.  I want to share this experience, if for nothing else, Charlie can look back one day and see a glimpse into her childhood.

Reason Three:
I still need to do something for myself.  Even if that means that my house is a mess and I have laundry to do.

Reason Four:
Just because I have entered into a new season of life, doesn't mean I don't have anything to offer.  That way of thinking has to stop.  I still love to craft, I may not have the time available to do it as often as before but I am still inspired.  I still have the urge to create something.  I am still me, even though I am growing and changing.

So I guess what I am saying is...
I'm back!
I am going to continue blogging.
Maybe not as often as I did before,
Maybe more often then before,
I'm not making any promises other then this-
I am going to be me.
Life Adventurer.

More to come....


  1. YAY! I love your blog. :)

  2. Thanks! It's hard not to compare yourself to other more inspiring blogs all the time! So that means a lot to me!


I am a stay at home mommy so all adult conversation means I get to keep my sanity just a little bit longer...


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