Hello, I do realize that it has been a while since you last heard from me. I stopped blogging because after the wedding it was hard to find a direction for this blog. I felt aimless and uninspired. Can I be honest too? I found myself being a green blogger and I don't mean the environmentally friendly green- I mean the jealous kind.
Have you ever been reading a blog and find yourself comparing your life to hers? Or your husband to hers? Or your house to hers? I am afraid to post picture of my house because I feel it does not measure up. And so I wanted to put a stop to my unintentional blogging and my self doubting ways.
So I have decided for the next 30 days I will be blogging daily on a new challenge I am j
oining. My goal is to have our house completely renovated and on the market by February 4th. You know how they say love finds you when your not looking? Well I feel the same way but not about love but the direction of my life. I am looking so hard for it that maybe it is time to stop looking, dive in and start living. Maybe I will find my purpose along the way....if not hopefully my house will have gained some equity.
Tasks to be completed in the next 30 days:
Kitchen: Install new counter tops, Install new oven hood, Install new sink, Install dishwasher, Install garbage disposal, Clean all appliances, Paint ceiling, New covered garbage can, Clean windows inside and out, New doorknob for back door, De-clutter and finish design
Living Room: Prime and Paint, New curtains, New light fixture, Move old art back into room, New front entry way New carpet, Take down mirrors, Clean out media cabinets and under coffee table, Install black floating shelf above TV, New floor dividers, Finish painting trim
Dining Room/ 3rd Bedroom: Decide purpose of room, New light fixture, New carpet (yes carpet in a dining room- campus town means it will more then likely be a bedroom and it's cheaper to install carpet), Clean and organize closet
Hall: Clean closet
Bathroom: New floor, Sand down wall, Paint, Re-paint cabinet, Put in new black and white art, New rugs, New garbage can that closes, Fix sink, New doorknob, Paint ceiling, Get new outlet with a reset button, New curtains, Re-caulk trim and bathtub
Master Bedroom: Take out T.V., Prime and paint, New carpet, New lighting, Organize closet
Second Bedroom: New lighting, Paint ceiling, New carpet, Organize closet, Take out T.V., New curtains, Decide on design
Basement: Install long panel curtains in all the windows, Paint walls and floor, Set up Man Room, Curtain off storage areas. Set up and stage laundry area,
Maybe I am crazy but I desperately need a goal right now. A challenge is right up my ally. Oh, did I mention that I am not going to be reading any other blogs for the next 30 days? I want this to be purely me. I don't want to wonder if I am trying to be someone else anymore. Don't think for a second this will be easy for me- I LOVE reading blogs. I can spend hours aimlessly drifting from one pretty picture to the next. But it is time to start capturing my own life. Time to start blogging intentionally and with a clear vision of who I am.
If you are interested in joining in the 30 day challenge go
here and join in with a challenge of your own! Here is to the next 30 day- may they be inspiring, full of purpose and direction.