So this weekend I made this, drank some wine, and had lots of fun hanging out with my bestie {who just so happens to also be my hubby!} What did I do on the house you say? Ummmm...let me think about it...ummm...nothing? Gulp. That's right. I don't think one thing got done this weekend!
But it was not for nothing! See Ryan's job is about to go into full swing for the season and that means some really long days for the next 2 months and not a lot of face time. He works about 45 minutes away right now {thus the move that we are in the never ending middle of}. So he won't be getting home until 9 or 10 every night.
So I had to soak up every last minute of quality time together and brace myself for the next 60 days or so. I have a lot to manage while he is busy working. Not only will all the house work and keeping up with family have to be done by me but ALSO the move! Oh am I ready for this?!? I don't know but I will do my best. Tonight on the agenda will be laundry {always and forever}, taping off the trim, and hopefully finally moping the bedrooms with the new floor cleaner! Woo-hoo!
So here is to me and the kitties finishing up the house while Ryan is hard at work!
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