And also today I got myself a little treat. I traded in my ExSlim digital camera for a Nikon CoolPix P100. I have been wanting one of these babies for months now. So even though I didn't get to everything today, it was still a great day. But don't worry I won't leave you without anything interesting. Here is a new section I am adding to the blog in honor my new camera - chic nesting- . Just pictures of our little home.
I think one of the best parts of living with someone is seeing your styles come together. My style was super girly, shabby chic, and vintage. Ryan on the other hand was all boy. Everywhere you looked it was navy blue, sports posters, sport memoribilia, and beer advertisements. Not that it wasn't adorable while we were still in the first stages of infatuation. But it's a little different where you are sleeping every night in the Cardinal's Baseball Museum. (who needs Albert Pujols
But now our styles have some together and I really love it. It feels very European. I lived in Germany for a while and the homes there were very modern, they liked to mix in old family pieces and antiques. I really l loved it and I am happy to see it in our home. So I hope you like this first photo session of our nest! This is my favorite room in the house, my domain, the kitchen....enjoy!
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